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23 Desember, 2011



It’s such a thrill to announce the official Sunday session of Master Bootcamp! Although in the meantime, the Sunday session will only be able to cater up to 8 participants only but we are so excited that we are now able to provide you with more session.

The Sunday session of Master Bootcamp is scheduled at the exact time like the Saturday session, which is at 6 o’clock in the morning. Trust us, it’s really the best time to exercise outdoor. When else in this lovely city Jakarta you get to enjoy the morning breeze and the warm sunlight without rushing somewhere in the middle of traffic? Yep, Saturday and Sunday morning.

We won’t bother explaining the detail of the whole session because we’re telling you now, it was just PLAIN FUN! Here are some pics of the session:

Although it started with three participants only, the spirit was totally there. Here are the participants with the Master Bootcamp trainers, on our first Sunday session:

So starting January 08, 2012, we will be having this Sunday session regularly. Like we have told you earlier, the session is so far limited to only 8 participants. We’re really expecting to be able to cater more. Just bear with us! :D

Catch you there guys, on the next Sunday session, in 2012!


The best thing about every session of Master Bootcamp is always having new friends coming to share the same spirit in achieving body fitness. Which also happened on December 18, 2011! :D

While everyone else is asleep at home, the Master Bootcamp participants have already gearing up for another awesome session. Here are the team on December 18, 2011:

Like always, the session consisted of two circuits of mixed exercises and here are the pictures:

Please keep in mind, our professional instructors will always keep you save from injuries. Although fun, our session is never intended to drill you down as if you are an army recruit.  

As always every Saturday, we have our regular Master Bootcamp session. Just ask us stuff on Twitter @MasterBootcamp or call Master Edi (+628128077278). Our session is held at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC Senayan, right across TVRI Building. Every Saturday at 6-7 AM.  Fee per session is only for Rp 100,000.-.

Catch you there guys!

16 Desember, 2011


This. Is. Spartaaa!

OK. Although no one was dressed in a bikini-like underwear like in the movie, this week’s session of Master Bootcamp was themed ‘300’. (You weren’t really expecting everyone to be dressed in bikini were you? You were? Well, maybe some other time. :D). Here are the Spartan men soldiers and Amazon women warriors who flooded the Senayan’s ABC Outdoor Basketball court with their sweat (no blood, we assure you) and filled the air with their screams:

Master Bootcamp

(Yes the picture above was taken after the gruesome session. Despite the exhaustion, everyone immediately turned alive when they heard about taking a picture together :D).

The session, as usual, comprised of exercises allocated into two circuits. The theme 300 refers to the total of reps (repetitions) that the participants had to complete in a single circuit. The 300 reps are dispersed equally into 6 sets of exercise. Each set has either one type of exercise to be executed twice with 25 reps, or two types of exercise to be executed once each with 25 reps.

The first circuit was apparently too much for most participants to bear that Master Bootcamp trainers had to alter the second circuit a little bit. Instead of forcing the participants to complete another 300 reps of the entire set of exercises, the theme ‘300’ was modified to represents seconds. So for the 2nd circuit, each type of exercise was completed in 25 seconds instead of 25 reps.

This is something that we would like to emphasize with the way Master Bootcamp train you to master your fitness. Although we draw inspiration from trainings at military camp where everyone is pushed to reach their limit, we really don’t do everything military style. We don’t want you to pass out or exhaust your self when exercising. Committing to the regular exercise and exercising the right way, that’s the goal we want you to achieve. Anyway, here are the pictures from December 10 session!

Equipments: TRX suspension trainers, kettle-bells, cones, mats.


The warm up session is filled with basic movements to familiarize the participants with the later main exercises, such as push ups, squats, and etc.

SET 1 - One Leg Reach The Cone (Left Side 25 reps / Right Side 25 reps = 50 Reps)

A good exercise for your balance and legs. Simply reach the cone while extending your legs straight to the back. Trust us, not easy if you have to do this 25 times.

SET 2 - TRX Power Pull / Medicine Ball On One Hand (Left Side 25 reps / Right Side 25 reps = 50 Reps)

This TRX trains your legs, biceps and shoulders. For the ladies, as an alternative, they skipped the medicine ball on one hand.

SET 3 - Medicine Ball Slam Down (50 reps)

By slamming down the medicine ball as hard as you can to the ground, you give an explosive work out to your core area.

SET 4 - Kettle-Bell Lunges Press (Left Side 25 reps / Right Side 25 reps = 50 Reps)

Focusing the tension on your legs and your shoulders, the kettle-bell lunges have optional weights from 3 to 7 kg. Of course they guys have big egos and forced themselves to use the heaviest one. Nobody wanted to be pictured holding the pinky 3 kg kettle-bell. :D

SET 5 - Bicycle Crunch (25 reps) + Burpees (25 reps)

Near the end of each circuit, participants are forced to do some cardio exercise. With only 15 seconds break between the bicycle crunch and the burpees.

SET 6 - Push-ups (25 reps) + Jumping Jack (25 reps)

To end the set, nothing was more relieving than a simple push-ups and jumping jack.

So in total, 300 reps! Fiuuh things are never as easy as they look! :D

Tomorrow morning on December 16, 2011, we will our regular Master Bootcamp session. Just asks us stuff on Twitter @MasterBootcamp or call Master Edi (+628128077278). Our session is held at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC Senayan, right across TVRI Building. Every Saturday at 6-7 AM.  Fee per session is only for Rp 100,000.-.

Catch you there guys!

02 Desember, 2011


Howdy hoo!

The session held on November 26, was kind of special because it was the 12th session we had since Master Bootcamp started 3 months ago. Not surprisingly, the series of circuit training was special too; special as in it was the HARDEST one so far. All participants were brought down to their knees, begging for the session to end! :D

Anyway, the theme was EXPLOSIVE POWER and the session was exactly that; mad explosive. Not only circuit training, participants also got a little game at the beginning to work on their speed and strength. And since all participants were guys, it got a little bit competitive somehow.

Also, we introduced a new tool called Medicine Ball. This is one of the most common tool when it comes to explosive training. Basically the main idea of using a medicine ball is to SLAM it as hard as possible (hence, “explosive”) to the ground or floor. This is a good core/abs exercise that can be performed while standing up or sitting down. So, here you go: the list set of exercises and pictures from last week!

Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, kettle-bell, mats.


Speed Game (total 5 minutes) – Kettle-bell Swing + Bicycle Crunch
The game is a continuous repetition of the Kettle-bell Swing and Bicycle Crunch. A complete set consists of 20 reps of kettle-bell swing and 20 reps of bicycle crunch. The kettle-bell is located 25 meters from the mat to do the bicycle crunch on. As soon as participants finish their own 20 reps of kettle-bell swing, they have to run to the mat, do 20 bicycle crunch (for each left and right side) and then run back to the kettle-bell to do another 20 reps, and so on. The aim is to complete as many set within 5 minutes.

Circuit Round 1
- KTL wood chop bottom to top                              (45 seconds)
- BW Squat and Jump                                                (45 seconds)
- Med Ball Slam Down                                               (45 seconds)
- TRX 1 Arm Overhead Squat and Touch Down      (45 seconds)

Circuit Roun 1
- TRX lunges 1 arm KTL shoulder prs                        (45 seconds)
- BW Squat and Jump                                                (45 seconds)
- BW Burpees                                                              (45 seconds)
- Med Ball Slam Sit Ups and Russian Twist              (45 seconds)

Oh yeah! We’re having a half-price promo for students this Saturday, December 3, 2011! Students from any level are invited to come and try our session. Just contact us on Twitter @MasterBootcamp or call Master Edi (+628128077278). Our session is held at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC Senayan, right across TVRI Building. Every Saturday at 6-7 AM.  Fee per session is only for Rp 100,000.- (so for students it’s only Rp 50,000.-) which probably cost less than your dinner on Friday nights :D

See you there!

24 November, 2011


Hi there again guys!

The session held on November 19, 2011, was apparently another session with circuit training. But this time there’s a little more of a challenge to each participant as a new move called Turkish Get-up was included in the circuit! This move is really as interesting as it sounds; nothing sort of easy though.

Turkish Get-up is basically a sequence of movements beginning in the position where you lie down on your back and with a weight (dumbbell or kettle-bell) in one hand extended above your body. Remember that for the hand holding the weight object, the wrist should be straight and perpendicular to the floor. The objective of the sequence is to come to a standing position by controlling your core and shoulder stability and then reverse the sequence to return to the floor. 

Really, it sounds easy.......until you put it into exercise. Turkish Get-up gives numerous benefits such as core stability, body awareness, shoulder stability, and hip mobility.  The participants were introduced to this movement during the warming up session with empty hands, and everyone said “oh this is too easy!”. Of course they didn’t know that it was not *the* actual session for Turkish Get-up, because later in the circuit training, they had to perform the moves with kettle-bells. Pfft.

Other exercises are TRX and skipping, with the TRX moves focusing on the lower body area (legs, butts, hips, and hamstrings). There were 2 (two) circuits completed, each consisting of 15 sets of exercises. Each exercise took 45 seconds with only 15 seconds of break in between.

Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, kettle-bell, skipping ropes, mattress.

1. Warm up
- Run/jogging 4 laps
- Squat isometric ( + 5 slow, 5 fast )
- Push ups 5/6 variation
- BW turkish get up

2. Circuit exercise
- Full squat Press
- One arm swing (right)
- One arm swing (left)
- Turkish get up (right)
- Turkish get up (left)

B. Phase 1: TRX

- Squat
- Side lunges to cross (right)
- Side lunges to cross (left)
- Balance lunges (right)
- Balance lunges (left)

C. Phase 3: SKIPPING
- 5 times 45 sec

3. Cooling down
- Static stretching

Remember, you can always come and join our weekly session every Saturday, 6-7 AM, at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC, Senayan! Contact us on Twitter @MasterBootcamp guys!


18 November, 2011


Hi there guys!

On November 12, 2011, we had quite a party goin’ on at Master Bootcamp! With 10 participants – that’s 5 Amazon women against 5 Spartan men, the session was nothing but sweat and muscle breaking event. One participant, Randolph Manoe, even had to take a brief break before continuing the exercises. :D

Master Bootcamp also introduced a new tool/equipment on the set! The uber-cool Kettlebell! What is Kettlebell? The kettlebell is a cast iron weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. In the session, Master Bootcamp included 4 types of kettlebell exercises which you can see in the pictures below.

Just like last week, 12 sets of exercises were sequenced into circuit training; totaling to 2 circuits. Each exercise took 45 seconds with only 15 seconds of break in between.

Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, kettle-bell, skipping ropes, mattress.

1. Warm Up   
Slow & quick run - 4 laps
In/out squat 1 min
Push up 5x

2. Circuit 2 sets
Phase 1
Skipping 45 sec rest 15 sec – 4 sets

Phase 2
- Kettelbelle Swing 45 sec rest 15
- Kettle belle Lunges(press)
- kettlebelleside oblique
- Kattlebelle Squat press

Phase 3
- TRX chest press
- TRX Row
- TRX fly
- TRX upper back

Final Phase
- Bicycle Crunch
- V crunch
The final phase was a BONUS phase since we thought, we might just KILLED everyone altogether! Hahaha.

Anyway, we are SOO gonna be waiting for you this Saturday, November 19, 2011, 6-7 AM, at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC, Senayan! Contact us on Twitter @MasterBootcamp guys!

See ya there!

11 November, 2011


Hey guys!

Last week session at Master Bootcamp was a combination of floor, suspension, and rope. YEAP; we were talking about the ol’school skipping rope combined with the nu’school TRX suspension trainer. It’s even more challenging because all TEN (10) types of exercises were done as circuit training. What is circuit training, you ask?

Circuit training is a form exercise that combines resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. Circuit training comprises of more than one type of exercise performed simultaneously one after another (ranging from 6 to 10 types), traditionally with a very minimum resting time between exercises. It is designed so you can work each of your body part as follows: Lower-body, Upper-body, Core-Trunk, and Total-body. As such, the ultimate goal of circuit training is to build strength and muscular endurance. Given the intensity, it is crucial to have a warm up and cool down session before and after circuit training.

Wait! You still have question about Lower-body, Upper-body, Core-Trunk, and Total-body? Worry not!
-          Lower-body: covers your thigh down to your toes
-          Upper-body: covers your chest up and arms (well, you don’t exercise your hair! #krik)
-          Core-trunk: covers your butt up to your neck (trunk) and covers your abs area (core)
-          Total-body: means one exercise will require you to work your whole body!

Hold on! You think skipping rope is easy? HA! Skipping rope at Master Bootcamp is custom made. We don’t use the sophisticated ones you can find at stores in the malls. They are usually very light and friendly. At Master Bootcamp, for the guys, the rope’s total weight is around 1.5 to 2 kg and the girls get the 0.5 to 1 kg ones. This way you work your shoulders even more when you skip-jump. Awesomeness!

So here are the list of exercise and pictures of Master Bootcamp Session on November 05, 2011! 10 exercises, 2 circuits (meaning after exercise 1 until 10 or one circuit, we rest for 2 minutes and repeat again for another circuit).

Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, skipping ropes, mattress.

A. Warm up
Slow & quick run - 4 laps
Dynamic stretching (ankle & shoulder)
Squat star
Push up star

B. Circuit

1.      Skipping 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
2.      TRX Squat 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
3.      TRX Side Lunges alt 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
4.      TRX One Leg Squat 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
5.      Plank 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
6.      Superman 45 seconds / right arm + left leg (rest 15 seconds)
7.      Superman 45 seconds / left arm + right leg (rest 15 seconds)
8.      Plank 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
9.      TRX Power Pull 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
10.  TRX Split Delt's Fly 45 sec rest 15 sec

We did 2 circuits! Here are the pics!

3. Cool down
Groin stretch
Single shin stretch
Trunk Flextion
Tricep stretch
Head rotary

Don’t forget, we will wait for you Saturday, 6-7 AM, at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC, Senayan! Contact us on Twitter @MasterBootcamp guys!


04 November, 2011


Last week session at Master Bootcamp was loaded with TRX training. TRX stands for (T)otal (R)esistance e(X)ercise; you rely on two things which are suspension trainer and your own body weight. Visually, this exercise seems like a piece of cake. Of course, you can't always believe what you see!

The TRX is combined with some other exercises which you can see in the following pictures. The session is separated into 4 Sets, with each set bearing three to four types of exercises. Each type of exercise is performed for 45 seconds, with only 15 seconds rest before moving to the next one. All participants are separated into two groups (Group A & B) who perform different exercises in each set (i.e. after Group A complete the TRX in Set 1, they continue with the exercises that Group B complete, and vice versa).

The session always starts with 5 to 8 minutes warming-up exercises which include a jog around the basketball court, jumping jack, as well as mild stretching.

Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, riffles, hurdles, mats. hassle

Group A
- TRX Squat Row / 45 seconds
This TRX move focuses on your hamstring. Picture 1 (the participant in black) shows the starting position. Picture 2 is the squat position. Throughout the exercise, make sure that you don’t loosen up the suspension.

- TRX W Delt's Fly / 45 seconds
This TRX exercise focuses on your shoulders. The picture shows the standby position then continue by letting your body fall to the back until both hands are in front of your chest while holding on strong to the suspension, and then back to the ‘W’ stature like the participants show in the picture.

Group B
- Partner Rifle Crunch / 45 seconds
Each pair performs sit ups in synch, and hand-over the rifle simultaneously to each other when they get to the sitting position. Exhale when you raise your body up, and inhale when your lay your body down. In the picture on of the participants is only doing it alone accompanied by our instructor.

- Grasshopper / 45 seconds (no picture)
This is another core exercise where you get to the plank position (see next paragraphs for a visualize on plank position); then simultaneously move your right and left knees to the front next to your elbows (right knee next to the right elbow and left knee next to the left elbow). While on plank, always remember to squeeze your abs and avoid a dead-lock on your elbow. The faster your move your knees, the more impact you give to your core. Exhale when you move your knees, and inhale when you return to plank position.

(to be continued....)



Master Bootcamp is a group of individuals based in Jakarta, Indonesia, who believe in the power of body fitness in changing one's life from bad to good, good to better, better to great. Our mission is to help you build a mindset about the need to have regular exercise in achieving your maximum body fitness. Master Bootcamp will work with you to discover, reach, and go beyond your limit.

Master Bootcamp session is an outdoor, intense full-body workout that includes both strength and cardio training. Each session consists of sequenced physical routines that aimed mainly to lose body fat, enhance cardiovascular efficiency and increase strength. Any kind of bodyweight exercises like push ups, squats, suspension training and burpees, combined with running and competitive games; you name it, we play it. We develop and alter our session on a regular basis to avoid your body from an inert state because of monotonous exercise. We also held themed sessions, such as kettlebells, boxing, or TRX sessions to meet your preference and need. At end of the day, the variations of resistance, control and position in our boot camp will shape up your body!

Although the term 'boot camp' is inspired by trainings at camps for military recruits, we don't exercise in the 'Sir, Yes, Sir' mentality in our training. Master Bootcamp instructors are certified Personal Trainers who will carefully guide you through each training. You will be pushed to work harder in your individual physical capacity and at your own pace.

We are certainly not campaigning an anti-gym spirit. Physical training in Master Bootcamp offers different set of goals than what you can achieve at the gym. Moreover, we understand there are some people who find it difficult to train alone at the gym. Master Bootcamp session provides an environment where you can socialize and exercise with a group of new friends; often many of them with the same goals. This way, it's always easier to motivate yourself and build that habit of exercise.

Master Bootcamp is entirely independent to any gym or fitness organization. As such, you may avoid hassles of signing up contracts or committing to administration or monthly fees. Our current weekly session is scheduled on Saturdays, 06-07 AM, at 'ABC Outdoor Basketball Court', Senayan (right acrross TVRI building) with only Rp 100,000,- per session per participant. And we are mobile too; just call us up ( +628128077278 Edi  or  +628561119481 Lassam) or email us to arrange your group's desired time and place. Because Master Bootcamp is really FUN, EASY AND ANYWHERE.

For updates and information, you can also follow us on Twitter at @MasterBootcamp and Facebook ('Master Bootcamp').

We'll see you at the Master Bootcamp!