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11 November, 2011


Hey guys!

Last week session at Master Bootcamp was a combination of floor, suspension, and rope. YEAP; we were talking about the ol’school skipping rope combined with the nu’school TRX suspension trainer. It’s even more challenging because all TEN (10) types of exercises were done as circuit training. What is circuit training, you ask?

Circuit training is a form exercise that combines resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. Circuit training comprises of more than one type of exercise performed simultaneously one after another (ranging from 6 to 10 types), traditionally with a very minimum resting time between exercises. It is designed so you can work each of your body part as follows: Lower-body, Upper-body, Core-Trunk, and Total-body. As such, the ultimate goal of circuit training is to build strength and muscular endurance. Given the intensity, it is crucial to have a warm up and cool down session before and after circuit training.

Wait! You still have question about Lower-body, Upper-body, Core-Trunk, and Total-body? Worry not!
-          Lower-body: covers your thigh down to your toes
-          Upper-body: covers your chest up and arms (well, you don’t exercise your hair! #krik)
-          Core-trunk: covers your butt up to your neck (trunk) and covers your abs area (core)
-          Total-body: means one exercise will require you to work your whole body!

Hold on! You think skipping rope is easy? HA! Skipping rope at Master Bootcamp is custom made. We don’t use the sophisticated ones you can find at stores in the malls. They are usually very light and friendly. At Master Bootcamp, for the guys, the rope’s total weight is around 1.5 to 2 kg and the girls get the 0.5 to 1 kg ones. This way you work your shoulders even more when you skip-jump. Awesomeness!

So here are the list of exercise and pictures of Master Bootcamp Session on November 05, 2011! 10 exercises, 2 circuits (meaning after exercise 1 until 10 or one circuit, we rest for 2 minutes and repeat again for another circuit).

Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, skipping ropes, mattress.

A. Warm up
Slow & quick run - 4 laps
Dynamic stretching (ankle & shoulder)
Squat star
Push up star

B. Circuit

1.      Skipping 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
2.      TRX Squat 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
3.      TRX Side Lunges alt 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
4.      TRX One Leg Squat 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
5.      Plank 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
6.      Superman 45 seconds / right arm + left leg (rest 15 seconds)
7.      Superman 45 seconds / left arm + right leg (rest 15 seconds)
8.      Plank 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
9.      TRX Power Pull 45 seconds (rest 15 seconds)
10.  TRX Split Delt's Fly 45 sec rest 15 sec

We did 2 circuits! Here are the pics!

3. Cool down
Groin stretch
Single shin stretch
Trunk Flextion
Tricep stretch
Head rotary

Don’t forget, we will wait for you Saturday, 6-7 AM, at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC, Senayan! Contact us on Twitter @MasterBootcamp guys!


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