Hi there again guys!
The session held on November 19, 2011, was apparently another session with circuit training. But this time there’s a little more of a challenge to each participant as a new move called Turkish Get-up was included in the circuit! This move is really as interesting as it sounds; nothing sort of easy though.
Turkish Get-up is basically a sequence of movements beginning in the position where you lie down on your back and with a weight (dumbbell or kettle-bell) in one hand extended above your body. Remember that for the hand holding the weight object, the wrist should be straight and perpendicular to the floor. The objective of the sequence is to come to a standing position by controlling your core and shoulder stability and then reverse the sequence to return to the floor.
Really, it sounds easy.......until you put it into exercise. Turkish Get-up gives numerous benefits such as core stability, body awareness, shoulder stability, and hip mobility. The participants were introduced to this movement during the warming up session with empty hands, and everyone said “oh this is too easy!”. Of course they didn’t know that it was not *the* actual session for Turkish Get-up, because later in the circuit training, they had to perform the moves with kettle-bells. Pfft.
Other exercises are TRX and skipping, with the TRX moves focusing on the lower body area (legs, butts, hips, and hamstrings). There were 2 (two) circuits completed, each consisting of 15 sets of exercises. Each exercise took 45 seconds with only 15 seconds of break in between.
Equipments: TRX suspension trainer, kettle-bell, skipping ropes, mattress.
1. Warm up
- Run/jogging 4 laps
- Squat isometric ( + 5 slow, 5 fast )
- Push ups 5/6 variation
- BW turkish get up
2. Circuit exercise
- Full squat Press
- One arm swing (right)
- One arm swing (left)
- Turkish get up (right)
- Turkish get up (left)
B. Phase 1: TRX
- Squat
- Side lunges to cross (right)
- Side lunges to cross (left)
- Balance lunges (right)
- Balance lunges (left)
C. Phase 3: SKIPPING
- 5 times 45 sec
3. Cooling down
- Static stretching
Remember, you can always come and join our weekly session every Saturday, 6-7 AM, at Lapangan Basket Outdoor ABC, Senayan! Contact us on Twitter @MasterBootcamp guys!